Our mission is to provide small and medium enterprises with mobility solutions that meet and exceed the expectations of clients and drivers. Our task is to act as a solution integrator through consultative approach, products and services.

Long term rent and fleet management: get in touch with our Team

Our team is made by highly motivated and qualified professionals, skilled in the automotive industry. Thanks to many years of experience and the use of innovative tools based on state-of-the-art technologies, our employees have outstanding skills to offer our clients customized service tailored according to their targets.

Do you wish to get in touch to discuss your long-term mobility options? Search below for available business profiles to talk to!

Do you want join Consecution Group team?

Come with us to build the mobility of the future together!

Luca De Pace | Consecution Group

Luca De Pace

Consecution Group

“The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining” (JFK).

Alessandro Angeletti | Consecution Group

Alessandro Angeletti

Consecution Group

“Behind every successful company is someone who has made a courageous decision.”

Giuseppe Caglio | Consecution Group

Giuseppe Caglio

Managing Director NLT
Consecution Group

“The vision of the future comes passes through clear planning of the present.”

Vania Goglio | Consecution Group

Vania Goglio

Corporate Marketing Leader
Consecution Group

” If I had asked people what they wanted they would have said a faster horses” (Henry Ford)

Francesco Attinà - Consecution Group

Francesco Attinà

CFO and HR Manager
Consecution Group

“A dream written down with a date becomes a goal” (Walt Disney)

Herbert Falzon | myfleetsolution

Herbert Falzon

COO – Fleet Management

“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones…” (Confucius)

Alessio Molinas | Consecution

Alessio Molinas

Area Manager

“Sometimes it is better to get lost on the road of an impossible journey than never to set off” (Giorgio Faletti)

Alvise Perbellini | Consecution

Alvise Perbellini


“Who wants to be happy, let him be: of tomorrow there is no certainty”.

Stephen Ostoni | Consecution

Stefano Ostoni

Area Manager

“Experience is a bit like mother yeast, it has to be continually nourished with curiosity and updating, otherwise it gets old and is no longer of any use.”

Vincenzo Cimmino | Consecution

Vincenzo Cimmino

Area Manager

“Mutatis Mutandis”

John Capretto | Consecution

Giovanni Capretto

Area Manager

“It always seems impossible, until it’s done” (Nelson Mandela)

Laura Tamplenizza | Consecution

Laura Tamplenizza

Sales Support Coordinator

“Sometimes it is only madness that makes us who we are” (Batman).

Antonia Baruffi | myfleetsolution

Antonia Baruffi

Client Advisor Leader

“Do a job you love and you won’t work a day in your life!”

Cristiano Fanciulli | Consecution

Cristiano Fanciulli

Area Manager

“I believe it is winning to offer customers flexible mobility solutions rather than just a competitive fee”

Marcello Fornaroli | Rent365

Marcello Fornaroli

Mid-Term Mobility Manager

“Don’t ask how long the field is, when in doubt start running.”

Alberto Pentassuglia | Consecution

Alberto Pentassuglia

Area Manager

“Think you can’t make a difference? Add it up!”

Alessandra Pezzotta | Consecution

Alessandra Pezzotta

Key Account

“Every morning I start from scratch, whatever happens the day before.”

Mariuccia Danzo | Consecution

Mariuccia Danzo

Key Account

“When there’s a problem, don’t look for the culprit, look for the solution”

Carolina Lorni | Consecution

Carolina Lorni

Back Office Coordinator

“Life rewards those who don’t stop, those who put their heart into it, those who are ready for change”

Tiziana Colombo | Consecution Group

Tiziana Colombo

General Services Officer
Consecution Group

“We need examples of honesty, consistency and altruism, not gratuitous sermons that leave nothing but time to listen to them”
(Sandro Pertini)

Davide Longhi | Rent365

Davide Longhi

NBT Specialist

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success”
(Henry Ford)

Sabrina Giacomelli | Consecution Group

Sabrina Giacomelli

Digital Marketing Specialist
Consecution Group

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” (Lao Tzu)

Gian Franco Scatola | Consecution

Gian Franco Scatola

Consecution Group

“Better one day as a lion or 100 days as a sheep? What do I know, make it 50 as a teddy bear” (Massimo Troisi)

Giada Morettini | Consecution

Giada Morettini

Sales Executive

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today ” (H. Jackson Brown Jr.)

Stefano Parmigiani | Consecution

Stefano Parmigiani

Sales Executive

“A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.”

Job opportunities

Do you want to be part of the Consecution Group team?
Join our team to create the mobility of the future together!